5 Cybercrime Stats That All Web Development Experts Know

10 August 2020
2 min read

Said to be the greatest threat to every company in the world, cybercrime is a constant, growing issue that everyone should be well aware of. Even locally in Singapore, businesses are not immune to getting hacked. As such, web security is something that we take into consideration during our web development process. To give a clearer understanding of the gravity of cybercrime in our world today, we’ve compiled a list of 5 basic statistics of web hacking and created an infographic for it.

infographic on the five basic statistics of web hacking

1. A cyberattack occurs about every 39 seconds

Firewall systems on the website help to log and monitor the attacks. This helps to ensure these attacks do not succeed.

2. In just one second, hackers can steal 75 records

Although breaches are generally uncommon, when they do occur, many records get stolen in one shot.

3. 73% of hackers say antivirus isn’t helpful against attacks

This is only true for targeted attacks. In a targeted attack, hackers particularly pick a website to hack and attempt to find an entry point.

4. 300,000 new pieces of malware are created daily

In 2017 alone, over 317 million new pieces of malware were created. Malware refers to computer viruses or other malicious software.

5. An average of 30,000 new websites are hacked every day.

These websites are normally legitimate small business sites that, as a result of hacking, unknowingly distribute malware.

Web development practices can help prepare for cyberattacks

These statistics on web hacking and cybercrime can come as a great shock, especially to those who were previously unaware of the fatal effects they can have. Thankfully, your websites do not have to be left to die on their own. There are certain things that can be done to help protect your site against such attacks. Here at Oangle, we are well-versed in web development and the different methods to ensure the safety and security of websites. If you are keen to find out more about how to protect your websites — whether you’re from Singapore or overseas, drop us a line. We’d be happy to chat!

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