How we celebrated our 8th anniversary as a web design agency in Singapore

19 December 2021
5 min read

Ever since we were founded in 2013, we’ve grown leaps and bounds — we’ve expanded our services, our team and got to help so many more businesses. Last month, Oangle celebrated our 8th year as a web design agency in Singapore. On a warm Friday afternoon, with delicious cakes gifted to our doorsteps, our nearly-20-strong team gathered together virtually to celebrate our growth and achievements together.

Bonding through creative activities and testing our knowledge

We started off the celebrations with a creative activity — speed-designing backgrounds for possible future virtual meetings. Using an online drawing platform, each member had an artboard assigned to them, where they could use several different tools to create their masterpiece in a short amount of time.


Afterwards, we took turns presenting and explaining the rationale behind our designs. It was definitely amusing to see the hilarious ideas everyone in the team had. Next, we had our annual game of Kahoot to test our knowledge of company trivia. It really brought out the competitive spirit in everyone, and some even surprised us with their knowledge (or luck at guessing)!


Envisioning the future together

Our last activity was a collaborative one, where every team member had access to the same drawing board. On that board, we were asked to collectively create an art piece that represents our anniversary and our hopes for the future. It was fun and, of course, chaotic. The end result was a colourful artwork with a lot of number eights, Oangle logos and interesting characters. Although it turned out pretty abstract, the team had fun being able to work together and add on to one another’s drawings, somewhat representative of how we actually work in our agency — where everyone gets a say and we build upon each other’s ideas to create something great.


It’s been a wild 8 years and we are very thankful to have gotten this far from our humble beginnings. To find out more about our agency in Singapore, visit our about page. Need a web design agency’s help with some web development or marketing services? We’ve got you covered. Drop us a line to learn more about how we can help!

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